
Review Policy

Review Policy

Trip reviews allow hosts and guests to share their experiences with the Fiwi community. Honest feedback is what makes the Fiwi marketplace strong. So, we encourage you to leave reviews and star ratings for every trip. That’s especially true when you’ve had a particularly positive or negative experience.


Once a trip has ended, you have 10 days to rate the trip and write a review. If you don’t rate and review in that time, you won’t be able to do so. Once you submit a review, you can’t edit it. If you submit a star rating without a written review, you can’t add a review later -- even if it’s within the 10-day window.
We make reviews visible:

  • once the 10-day window has closed OR
  • when both parties have posted their feedback


Reviews should always be accurate and respectful. We may remove reviews that don’t meet the conditions below.
Reviews must not:

  • Include profanity or vulgarity
  • Contain personally-identifying information such as addresses, phone numbers, or last names
  • Reflect booked trips that didn’t take place
  • Be incentivized by a promise for payment, extra services, or a discounted rate
  • Be motivated by a threat of extortion


We understand that hosts and guests may have different points of view about a trip and that misunderstandings may arise. Given this, we generally won’t remove reviews when

  • the parties disagree about the events that occurred
  • one party believes the review to be unfair
  • Circumstances are other than those outlined above.

For reviews to be valuable to Fiwi’s members, everyone must be able to share their candid point of view.